Saturday, November 14, 2009

Love Has No Colour Boundary

Vanessa and Andre
It all started a few years back. I can still remember it was a Sunday afternoon when I was not able to sleep so I picked up my TV-plus to read. While paging through it I came to the “pen pal” section. At that time of my life I was sick of being lonely, so I thought why not try this. After reading all the profiles I decided to write to Andre Pieterse from Krugersdorp.
Vanessa and Andre
I am from a small town called Riversdale here in the Western Cape. One of the main reasons why I decided to write to him was because his name sounded like he could be colored and we had a lot of things in common. In my letter I stated that I do not care what he looks like so it was not necessary for him to include a photo of himself in his returning letter.
That Sunday night I prayed about my letter and I asked God to bless it. A week passed and still I haven’t heard from him. After the second week I thought he’s probably not going to answer my letter. Early in the beginning of the third week I was very excited to receive a letter from him. Months passed and we keep on writing to each other. After exchanging phone numbers I discovered that Andre was actually white.
I was shocked at first because I was under the impression that he was a colored just like me. Nevertheless we kept on writing and phoning each other despite the fact that we did not know what the other looks like. When phoning me one day Andre asked me if it was possible for us to exchange pictures. So I said yes, but I will only send him a picture after I see what he looks like. So he send me a lot of pictures of himself, but never on one picture did he smile. I thought it was strange, but I thought maybe he just don’t like smiling. I phoned him the night that I received his picture to tell him what I think about his looks.
After he had received my picture he told me that he likes me a lot and he thinks that we should meet. At first I said no because I do not like to meet strangers. He respected my wish. After that I did not reply to his letters and his phone calls because I was afraid he would ask me again to meet, but he kept on writing to me.
The following year I decided to go to the KKNK in Oudtshoorn. I can remember I was sitting alone in Milky Lane enjoying an ice-cream all by myself when a tall blond guy approaches me. In my mind his face looks familiar but I just could not remember where I saw him. He asked me whether my name was Vanessa and if I am from Riversdale so I said yes. So he said he is Andre my pen pal from Krugersdorp. I became hot in my face and I did not know what to say. I just smiled and he smiled back at me. I did not like what I saw because he did not have very good teeth, but that did not bother me at all.
He sat down at my table and we talked until night fall so he asked me to have a braai with him that night. So around the fire that night we enjoyed each others company. That whole week we spent together. It was the best week in my whole life. When I got home all I could think about was him and the great time we had.
That same year I invited him to my cousin’s wedding because I wanted my parents to meet him. It was finally time of the wedding. The day before the wedding my parents and I went to pick him up in Mossel Bay. My parents received him well. I introduced him to all of my family members the following day at the wedding. The fact that he was the only white person at the wedding did not bother him at all. Everybody had a great laugh when he took the dance floor. I can remember the song “doobee-doobee” by freshly ground was playing when he danced in his “sokkie-sokkie ” style. It was really funny because white people dance different than we do.
The Sunday he left for Krugersdorp again. After the wedding he came visiting more often. After a while he ask me to meet his parents so I did. It was at first weird for me because I learned how they dance and the way they prepare food. It was different to our culture.His family received me well. I also learned a few new Afrikaans words. It was very nice. When we walked in the streets people looked at us funny because of a white man dating a colored woman.
Nevertheless another two years passed. It was now 2007. He surprised me with a visit on my birthday. The Saturday 16th of March he congratulated me early in the morning and gave me a bush of red roses and chocolates. Later that day he gave me a little gift, it was my favorite perfume Elizabeth Arden’s red door. I can remember we was at the beach with my family. So round about three that day he gave me another gift; it was a charmed watch with a chain and earrings.
At sunset we took a walk along the beach. As we was sitting on a rock and watching the sunset he got up and draws a large heart in the sand and writes something in there. I could not see what he wrote. So he took me by the hand and led me to the heart and as I read aloud “Vanessa will you marry me” he went down on his knee and took out a ring from his pocket. I was so overwhelmed I started crying and softly said “yes Andre I will marry you”.
He put the ring on my finger and kissed me as the sun was setting in the background. When we got back my whole family stand ready with champagne to celebrate. My parents knew that he was going to propose to me. It was the best birthday ever. The Sunday he went home again because he needed to worked the Monday again. At that time he worked at their local post office as an ordinary postman. I went back to university again in Cape Town. I study BSc (Chemistry).
Back at varsity I told all my friends that I was engaged. Some of them was glad, but others was skeptic. They believed that long distance and interracial relationships never works out. Andre and I decided that we will get married on the 27th of September 2008. This is traditional in my family to get married on the 27th of September.
We decided on a very small intimate wedding with just close family and friends because our budget will not allow us to have a big celebrity wedding like I always dreamed of since we both came from poor families also. But…the wedding of Andre and Vanessa did not took place in 2008 and that is why I am sending this wish in for them, my greatest wish is to see Andre and Vanessa getting married.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Municipality Watchdog - Going Mobile


If yes, then subscribe to the Municipality Watchdog SMS community.

How do I subscribe to the Municipality Watchdog (MWD) SMS community?

Step 1

First establish in which Municipality do you stay or work.......
Step 2

To subscribe to our community just send SMS to 39055 with the keywords listed below.....
Krugersdorp - MWD KD ,Roodepoort - MWD RD, Randfontein - MWD RF, Carletonville - MWD CV, Johannesburg - MWD JHB, Westonaria - MWD WA

How much do I pay to subscribe?

You pay R15 for every subscription. There are no periodic billing costs (or any other type of adhoc billing) involved.

How many SMS credits do I receive after I have subscribed to a community?

You receive 10 SMS credits, plus an additional 2. A welcome SMS message after you have subscribed, and then a final SMS message after you have received your last SMS notification, which will give you a friendly reminder that you should subscribe again if you whish to continue receiving SMS messages published to your phone from the community.

How will I know when all of my SMS credits have been used?

SMS for Communities will always send you a final SMS after you have received all of your available SMS notifications. The system will send you a friendly reminder that you should subscribe again if you whish to continue receiving SMS messages published to your cell phone from the community.

What happens if I subscribe multiple times to the same community?

Every time you subscribe to the same community you will receive additional SMS credits. For instance, if you are already a subscriber to a specific community, and you have lets say 7 SMS credits available, if you subscribe again to that community you will receive an additional 10 credits. So you will have 17 SMS credits available, in this scenario, if you subscribe again.

When will I receive a SMS alert?

Maybe once a month or once a week, but only when necessary.

How long are my credits valid for?

Do they expire after a period?
Your SMS credits do not have a validity period. They remain valid until you have received all of your available notifications, which could be over a week, a month or a year, depending on the activity of your community.

How can I validate SMS messages that I received?

Every subscriber to anyone of the SMS communities will receive logon credentials via the welcome SMS message sent to you after you subscribe to a community. You can use these logon credentials to logon to the SMS for Communities From this application you can monitor all SMS messages that was published to you, as well as your profile, like available credits, to which SMS communities you are a member off, etc.

How can I see how many SMS notifications I have available?

Logon to the SMS for Communities web application using the credentials that was published to you from the welcome SMS message after you have subscribed.
Are my personal details, like my cell number secure, or marketed to other 3rd party organizations?
Absolutely not. Your cell number and personal details are not sold, marketed or shown to anyone and kept safe in a secured computing environment.

What other or hidden costs are applicable that I am not aware off?

Absolutely nothing! There is no periodic billing of any nature. You only pay when you choose to subscribe to a SMS community.
What happens if my subscription has expired before I have had a chance to top it up?
Any messages published will not be delivered to your cell phone if you do not have any available SMS credits. But, remember that right after you have received your last SMS notification, the system will immediately send you a friendly reminder that you need to subscribe again to receive SMS notifications.

Can I belong to more than one SMS community?
absolutely. For instance you can subscribe to your local Municipal Watchdog community, as well as your child's school. But remember you have to subscribe to each community to receive SMS messages from that community.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Municipality Watchdog - Public Swimming Pools

The Municipality Watchdog have a big concern regarding our public swimming pool facilities. The facilities were closed by the Mogale City Local Municipality about 6 years ago. Summer is around the corner and there are no swimming pools in our City. We are calling on the city to upgrade and reopen this facilities.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Municipality Watchdog - Refuse Removal

The Municipality Watchdog will sending a letter to the Mogale City Local Municipality and asks them to refund the residents of Mogale City. The reason for the refund is as follows.

• During the Municipal strike residents were charged for services not rendered
• Residents were incorrectly billed
• For refuse removal that is not schedule

The Municipality bought 8 brand new trucks and currently only have 4 trucks in operation and then the council also making us of an outsourcing refuse removal company. Residents of Mogale City Local Municipality are also having a bad log on refuse removal and sometimes only empting the bins late at night

Municipality Watchdog - Bob van Renen Stadium

The Municipality Watchdog are currently compiling a list of schools in the West Rand, the reason for this is as follow. • We want to send a letter to each school and encourage them to get the parents involve to sign a petition • We will then submit this petition to the Mogale City Local Municipality, Provincial Government and the National Assembly, we will also forward a copy to Kaizer Chiefs • We want the see the stadium rebuild and even better as before. In 2003 the Mogale City local municipality announced that they going to upgrade the facilities and it will then be known as the Amakhosi stadium and the cost implications were then R840 million, but 6years down the line nothing has happened and is currently a white elephant . Should the upgrading start now the cost implication will be R1.2 milliard. Should you wish to assist in this matter please don’t hesitate to contact me.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Municipality Watchdog - Presidential Hotline:

Presidential Hotline:

Today (16 September 2009) President Jacob Zuma called on the public to contact there Local Municipality or provincial government first to resolve any problem that you may before calling the Presidential Hotline. The Presidential Hotline was launched on Monday (14 September 2009). The hotline received 7261 calls between 9:00 and noon that day with about 40 calls per minutes. The average holding time per caller was about 80 minutes. How sufficient will this hotline be? The hotline is already costing R4m and will have about 21 full-time employees working at the Union Buildings. President Jacob Zuma's hotline will initially cost R1.5m a year.

Contact the Presidential Hotline on 17737 toll-free .

Please give us your views on this issue.....

Municipality Watchdog - Damaged Roberts, Street Poles and Vandalized stop signs

How is it possible to take over 2 months to install new traffic lights on the R28, Robert broom drive. The unit that were stolen to complete the installation cost is R32000-00, who have paid for the replacement unit, trust me the residents of Krugersdorp . I would like to know and I think residents of Krugersdorp would also like to know how this unit was stolen and were where the guard that were suppose to be on duty.

Response to Damaged street poles:

What is the Mogale City local municipality response on this issue and what are they going to do about it. How are the going to enforce this .Who are the municipality going to held responsible for the damage or is it like the cable theft issue, you as a resident report cable theft and nothing is being done. What is the mogale City Local Municipality doing about illegal advertising on municipal property and vandalism of council property?

Municipality Watchdog- Survey, Sponsorship and Community input, Cleanest Town Contest.

Over the following weeks we want to post a survey to see where local Municipalities are failing there residents and how they can improve service delivery.

We also want to see the Municipality Watchdog official launch, but we cant do it alone, I invite Community for there input and would like to see people and local business to assist in this as I cant do it alone.

We will need some sponsorship, if any person or business can assist on this matter please contact me.

We also want to launch the Cleanest town initiative and reward Municipalities and there workers that go that extra mile. We will also like any person that can assist in this

Municipality Watchdog - West Rand

We are proud to announce that we are Launching the Municipality Watchdog West Rand
Campaign (Krugersdorp, Randfontein, Westonaria, and Roodepoort). But it is not
limited to these areas. We would like to hear from you. If you staying in this
areas and having troubles with your Local Municipality please send me any comments
and photos.

We would like to hear your comments on the following issues:

1. What is your view about cable theft in our cities and how can our Municipality's
prevent this of happening.
2. Do you feel Municipal workers need to go on strike and how does this affect
service delivery in your area?
3. Do you think is responsible for that street pole or traffic light that were
damaged in an accident.
4. How do you feel about the Bob van Reenen stadium , who is the right full owners
of this stadium, would you like to see the stadium to be restored or rebuild to the
stadium that we previously knew.
5. How do you feel about illegal dumping in our city?
6. How do you feel of illegal advertising on sub stations, robots and stop signs?
7. How do you feel over our billing system.
8. Do you think local municipalities can improve service delivery to its residents?
9. What do you think about the poor state of our roads and drainage system?
10. Is there still public swimming facilities in your city, would you like to see
the two public swimming pools in Mogale City to re open.

Municipality Watchdog - Street Lights (Krugersdorp)

We received a lot of complains from Mogale City residents about the street Lights that is not working for a period of 2 months and longer. We would like to hear from you "the Public", please feel free to email me your complains at or visit our website at Please remember "Your voice is Power. We will be launching a petition very shortly.

Municipal Watchdog

This is a Watchdog that will keep a close eye on the service delivery of the Mogale City Local Municipality and other Municipalities in South Africa. Over a few weeks there were a lot of reports published in the Krugersdorp News about poor service delivery from the Mogale City Local Municipality. We would like to hear from you. Please visit our website at www.municipality-watchdog or email me at Hope to hear from you soon (Your voice is power)

Friday, May 15, 2009

As ek sterf, kan my organe leef

As ek sterf, kan my organe leef

André Pieterse, Krugersdorp

Ek wil graag vir M-Net bedank vir die nuwe program The heart is beautiful wat verlede week op die kanaal vertoon is. Ek wil ook graag vir Nicolize van der Walt, Beeld se verslaggewer, bedank vir die wonderlike berig wat sy daar- oor geskryf het.

Dit het my laat besef as jy dood is en daar is iets in jou liggaam wat nog gebruik kan word om iemand anders se lewe mee te red, jy ’n orgaanskenker kan word. Daar is weer lewe ná die dood.

Daar is baie pasiënte wat wag op ’n orgaanskenking. Sou ek tot sterwe kom, dan weet ek dat iemand ná my dood sal lewe, want ek is ’n orgaanskenker.

Ek wil ook die Gird- familie sterkte toewens en vir hulle sê: Julle is in ons gebede. Ek raai almal aan wat ’n orgaanskenker wil word om die orgaanskenkingsvereniging by 0 0800 22 66 11 te bel of te besoek.

Dankie, Beeld.

The DA achieves its goals in the 2009 general election

DA leader Helen Zille arrived in Cape Town late on Friday to a hero’s welcome, after 82-days of hard campaigning on the election trail. Addressing hundreds of fervent supporters who had braved the cold to meet her at the airport, she promised supporters that, as the new premier of the Western Cape she would serve the interests of all people in the province, where racial divides run deep.

"We will try to govern as well as we can to show that life is better for everybody under the DA," she said.

The DA is in a position to take sole control of the Western Cape government after winning an outright majority in the province with more than 51 percent of votes, the first time since 1994 that a party has scored an overall majority in the province.

Although the party does not need coalition partners in the provincial legislature, Zille hinted that she might still form an alliance with smaller parties.

Speaking last Sunday, DA CEO Ryan Coetzee released a detailed analysis of the party's performance, saying the DA had achieved all three of its key objectives:

"To keep the ANC below a two-thirds majority, to win an outright majority in the Western Cape, and to significantly strengthen our position as the official opposition in South Africa," he said.

He said the DA's growth of more than 1 million votes (1 014 628) nationally had seen it increase in size by about 35 percent.

Translating into 17 additional seats, this would see a total of 67 DA MPs on opposition benches in the 400-member National Assembly.

Newcomers include respected academic Wilmot James and the party's former parliamentary media officer, Lindiwe Mazibuko.

Coetzee added that it had never been inevitable that the party would do as well as it had and that many factors had underpinned the party's success, including Zille's ‘inspired leadership’, the repositioning of the party as one with the ability to win power off the ANC, and the efficiency of its campaign machinery.

However, the DA needed to garner more support among black South Africans and would be working to that end with renewed determination.

The DA's federal executive would meet this week to discuss plans for the local government elections in 2011, when it aimed to win cities and municipalities across the country to build a platform from which to launch a campaign for national government in 2014.

Give for Life

The essence of Give For Life is that the individual who operates his / her successful social entrepreneurship business benefits together with reputable charities!

It is however the multiplication impact of working together with other Goodwill Agents that ensure that the programme offers an ongoing business solution for charities. A stand alone, once-off donation to charity can never match the impact that the Give For Life programme will have on South African charities.

“It seems that charities are always last in the queue and dependent on mostly once-off donations. This makes it difficult to plan and commit to ongoing projects. Give For Life addresses these shortcomings and present charities with an ongoing no cost solution.

Like other businesses, charities incur marketing and administrative expenses. If a corporate company invests in a sustainable project with solid ongoing returns and no input costs it will be applauded. The same rules should apply to charities. We therefore support the business-like manner in which Give For Life raises ongoing income for charities and the 100% transparent way in which distributions are made.”
Christine Kuch: Chair: The Giving Organisation


Give For Life strives towards absolute credibility and transparency and we therefore only support reputable and registered charity organizations. All beneficiaries need to be approved by our Trustees and comply with our contribution terms and conditions.

We are proud to be supported by the Giving Organisation, representing 9 of South Africa’s top charities, who will benefit from the program together with charities that will be nominated by YOU as a participant.


a) Well known charity brands

As already mentioned, Give For Life is supported by some of South Africa's most respected and well-known charity brands, collectively represented by The Giving Organisation:

World Wide Fund for Nature South Africa;
South African Red Cross Society;
National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (NSPCA);
The Cancer Association of South Africa (CANSA);
Reach For A Dream;
ACFS Community and Feeding Scheme;
Ithemba Trust.

b) The Give For Life Trust

The programme is promoted by the Give For Life Trust who receives and distributes all contributions in a 100% transparent and credible manner.

The Trust will be managed its Trustees representing:

Charities from The Giving Organisation;
Give For Life Management Company; and
Independent nominations.

c) Auditors

Full financial information and audit reports will be made available to all participants. The Trust is audited by PricewaterhouseCoopers.

d) Compliance overseen by Law Review Project

The Law Review Project is a not-for-profit non-government organisation (NGO) with the sole purpose of improving the quality of laws and policies in South Africa, particularly the extent to which they reflect the letter and spirit of the Constitution.

The Law Review Project specialises, inter alia, in the legality and legitimacy of network and multilevel marketing and fund raising, and is widely recognised as a leading authority on the matter. One of the public services the LRP offers in this context is that it provides assistance to South African businesses wanting to operate within the law, and observe the general principles of sound and ethical business practice.

“The Law Review Project has been appointed by Give For Life to assist in achieving legal and regulatory compliance and we will be involved with the programme on an ongoing basis. I personally believe the programme provides significant income opportunities for both charities and participant.”
Leon Louw, Chairman of the Law Review Project and Free Market Foundation.

e) The Give For Life Management Company

The Give For Life Trust appointed a commercial Management Company to manage, market and administer the Programme, including setting up IT systems, promotional material and appointing all staff to establish, grow and maintain the Programme.

A Management Fee is paid by the Trust to the Management Company, which fees are disclosed as per the Distribution Model.

The Management Company is well experienced in the field of project management for good causes and has to date already distributed close to R40 million to top South AFrican Charities through various previous business-like projects.

The Management Company will play a very important role in the administration, marketing and management of the programme to reach its goal of distributing a R100 million to charities by 2010!

Want to know more?

1. Attend any of our Official Presentations - Dates and Venues published on the website.

2. View our introduction Video available from any Goodwill Agent.

3. Study our Brochure, which can be down-loaded from the website.

Want to join?

1. Down-load and complete our Registration Form available on the website.

Please contact one of the Goodwill Agents in your area to join or for more information

Willie Schutte - 072 503 3329 -
Andre Pieterse - 082 640 1051 -

You can also join our Facebook Page at:- Please invite your friends to join:-

The Give for Life Management Company has launched an exciting competition for the Months of May and June.

- For every new agent you sign up on your Level 1, you get an entry into a cash draw!

- If you sign up between 1 and 4 people you are entered into a draw for R3000!

- BUT if you sign up 5 or more people your entry is for R5000 cash!

- Please note the new agents have to be registered from the 1st of May to the 20th of June to gain you a entry into the draw!

- The winners will be announced on the 20th of July 2009!

Good Luck!!

Please join and lets make a difference in South Africa.